Q. Where do you live & what's your local surf break / community?
Port Macquarie – North Shelly
Q. Any recent significant relationship / family news?
Beth has started work again this year coming off maternity leave with Hazel. She has started in a new role at our local GP practice and is working casually in emergency. Also, for the last year I have been working in the community adolescent mental health team here in Port covering a maternity leave position and at this stage it’s looking like I will be staying on in this role. It’s been such a blessing working normal hours mon – fri and such a great opportunity working with some of the most vulnerable and at risk teens in my local community.
Q. What do you love about being a Regional Coordinator in CS?
I love being a part of the National Team. Also being in a position to empower other leaders and encouraging them to serve in their surfing communities as they live out their lives striving to walk as Jesus did gets me pretty pumped.
Q. How have you grown as a leader in your time within CS?
I have learnt the importance of putting my family first in ministry and amongst the business of work, family and CS the importance of keeping God first, because without him it’s all just my own silly ideas and effort – a lot less effective and a lot harder.
Q. What importance do you place on leadership within CS in your region?
Leadership on a local level is so important, without solid leaders investing into their local surf communities/churches , effective local missions don’t exist. This year a big focus has been on the importance of Godly character as leaders, just not gifting and personality.
Q. What challenges do you face in your role?
Trying to manage family, full time work, local and regional CS and trying to fit in the odd surf/fish gets challenging at times. Also having enough time and financial support to travel to other missions and staff attacks can be difficult. Another big challenge for us locally and as a region has been finding enough leaders that are willing to step up and lead/serve in their local surfing communities alongside CS.
Q. What are your current hopes and dreams for 2019 and beyond?
We are hoping and praying for God to raise up Godly leaders to step in to existing missions/ starting new missions throughout the region. Hoping to see missions started up in Bonny Hills, Lennox and Kingscliff in the not too distant future.
Q. For those that would like to support you and your role - what do you need and how would their support make a difference?
Receiving more financial support would make a massive difference in enabling us to visit leaders within our region, attending National staff attack meetings and for general regional expenses eg trailer rego, regional camp, leaders training weekends etc. At this stage we are hoping for $250/ month into the regional account.
If you’d like to connect more with Nato about supporting CS Nth NSW pls contact:
Email: natoandbeth@christiansurfers.org.au
Phone: 0401 219 409