Q. Where do you live & what's your local surf break / community?
We live in the Sutherland Shire Sydney. I serve with the Cronulla CS crew on the comp team. Surf at cronulla and support the Cronulla sharks (Everyone who visits comes to a game).
Q. Any recent significant relationship / family news?
Our at home family is shrinking and our extended family growing. Our second daughter Carly is getting married in July.
Q. What do you love about being a Regional Coordinator in CS?
I love my role because it links my love of God, the heart he has given me for people and my passion for surfing.
Q. How have you grown as a leader in your time within CS?
Yes I have grown as a leader, firstly in patience (leading surfers you need tonnes ,Ha). But mostly in service and inquiring of God first and foremost.
Q. What importance do you place on leadership within CS in your region?
CS leadership is vital as it births vision, brings unity and strengthens mission. Good CS leadership serves, disciples and provides spiritual mentoring.
Q. What challenges do you face in your role?
Time is my biggest challenge, I have a fairly constant 60 hour week between work and CS commitments. On top of that family and home priorities. I have learnt that there is no equation between hours put in by me and what God can do I just need to be strategic and be guided by him. What I have seen Him do with faith and a willing heart is mind blowing.
Q. What are your current hopes and dreams for 2019 and beyond?
Succession planning raising up the next generation of leadership.
Q. For those that would like to support you and your role - what do you need and how would their support make a difference?
$5K a year would help me sponsor at least 2 young leaders a year to go to our Newswell leadership training school. Sponsor groms who can't afford to get to regional camp. Provide updated resources for the missions such as new beach tents screen printed with CS logo etc. As well as assisting me with travel expenses to national team meetings and mission visits. At present I pay for everything out of what the Lords blesses me to earn.
If you’d like to connect more with Dave about supporting CS Central NSW pls contact:
Email: dave@christiansurfers.org.au
Phone: 0418 412 103