New Swell 2020

New Swell is a week for young leaders to grow in their relationship with God and their journey in ministry, learning with people who are walking out the radical faith journey with God in the Christian Surfers ministry.

The week is full of sessions and experiences to help equip them with resources, wisdom, direction and connection to the wider CS community, to encourage and grow their impact in their local, national and international surfing communities.

Apart from being surrounded by a group of like-minded frothers who love Jesus and surfing, New Swell provides an opportunity for young leaders to tap into their relationship with God and find their calling. We also surf and go on awesome adventures during the week, which just adds to the fun!!!

Date: Sunday 6th - Sunday 13th, December, 2020
Location: Billinudgel (Byron Bay), Northern NSW
Cost: $450
(Includes accommodation, food, resources & travel at New Swell. PLEASE NOTE: Not included - travel to & from New Swell).

To apply: Contact your Mission or Regional Coordinator
Open for young CS leaders/members aged around 16yrs to 25yrs who are ready to take the next step in their leadership journey.