Q. Where do you live & what's your local surf break / community?
We live in Doubleview Perth and our local surf break is Scarborough.
Q. Any recent significant relationship / family news?
We have recently been married in January 2019.
Q. What do you love about being a Regional Coordinator in CS?
Great connections throughout the state and hearing other communities being impacted by CS. Great getting out there for God in the surf community and building up relationships in our state to share the froth.
Q. How have you grown as a leader in your time within CS?
Continually growing and learning in leadership, through support and encouragement by other leaders. By learning to follow Gods instructions in faith of what God wants in CS and his vision. Learning to take steps of faith when things may seem unreachable.
Q. What importance do you place on leadership within CS in your region?
Gods given each leader a passion for this mission and a gift of leadership to share and honor God with.
Huge importance with leaders as they are the ones that will build up CS to reach more surf communities around the state. Leaders need to have a passion for the mission and motivation to jump out and trust the calling and gift God has for them
Q. What challenges do you face in your role?
It is challenging to get people on board and fully committed to what CS is doing in our region. I have been learning about vision casting and how to communicate the CS vision with people might help that.
Finding time to fit everything in on a weekly basis, figuring out priorities and how to implement them in a productive manner.
Q. What are your current hopes and dreams for 2019 and beyond?
Current hope is to see more young people join CS and to see some growth in our weekly hangouts.
Reach out to more schools and seek out the young people we can invest in.
Q. For those that would like to support you and your role - what do you need and how would their support make a difference?
We would love to be supported financially, enough to pay for flights to staff meetings and conferences, able to pay for fuel to the regional towns for CS development etc. Also would love to see support through prayer and encouragement and connect with more churches.
If you’d like to connect more with Matt about supporting CS WA pls contact:
Email: matt@christiansurfers.org.au
Mob: 0403 285 756